Learning Outcomes

This course has been developed to give students the educational tools to prepare and take the Magnetic Resonance Certification Course.

Module 1: How does MRSO work?

Comprehend how to use the MRSO Safety Manual and define how Magnetic resonance works.

Module 2: Safety Precautions

Discover applying safety precautions in Magnetic Resonance

Module 3: Time-varying magnetic fields

Recognize how time-varying magnetic fields change over time. In MRI, this is used to locate the tissue to be examined and to induce resonance in its hydrogen nuclei.

Module 4: Utilizing the measurement unit

Appreciate the magnetic field’s effect and use the measurement unit

Module 5: time-varying RF field

Understand what a time-varying RF field is and why it’s necessary for MRI

Module 6:

Get familiar with Cryognen and be able to discuss the side effects of Gadolinium present in contrasts during an MRI test.

Module 7: MRI and Implants

Recall important steps to consider when performing an MRI on a patient with implants.

Module 8: MRI Requirements

Discover the many organizations that provide the rules, nomenclature, and acceptable dosages that must be followed to keep patients and employees safe in the Magnetic Resonance environment.

Module 9: Supporting Organizations

Uncover other organizations who assist in providing information to protect the safety of MRI patients in the Magnetic Resonance environment.

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 17 Lessons
  • 17 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate

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Very informative!

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